SIGNED | OL Aamil Wagner
OL Aamil Wagner
ISD: 94– 4-Star
Composite: 92.8 – 4-Star
6-6, 255
Wayne (Dayton, OH)
Jeff Quinn
Recruitment Rundown
The surprise of the cycle came when Wagner announced for the Irish in November. Notre Dame was always a serious contender, outlasting Ohio State, Penn State, Maryland and Stanford earlier. But down the stretch, speculation had Wagner landing at Kentucky, where his brother had been hired as a GA. Even the Irish didn’t know what Wagner was going to say when he took center stage for his live announcement.
Wayne Head Coach Roosevelt Mukes
“He’s somebody who’s only been playing the position a couple years, so he has so much room to get better. He gets better every year at that position. Just knowing his work ethic and how much he wants to get better, I think that will help him. Plus, he’s a competitor. He’s doing those things to make sure he’s successful.”
ISD Expert Jamie Uyeyama
It’s mostly going to be about physical development with him because his tools are fantastic. Notre Dame looks like they have two players who can be great starting tackles from the 2021 class and Wagner has that kind of potential as well.
He’s someone I believe will need time to get there and having Blake Fisher and Joe Alt in front of him give him the time to do so.
Wagner has the ceiling to be a multi-year starter at tackle and become a very high NFL Draft pick.
Favorite ISD Quote
“I think Notre Dame really just offers the best opportunity after football. Obviously, football is going to come to an end one day and where am I going to be after that?
“I feel like Notre Dame will set me up for the best possibilities.”