2021 OL Brody Wisecarver Enjoys Notre Dame Trip
Brody Wisecarver got a peek at what Notre Dame is all about last weekend and the 2021 Missouri offensive lineman left impressed.
“It was really cool,” the 6-foot-5, 300-pound sophomore said. “I liked the campus. One thing I liked that everyone was stressing was how all of the alumni take care of each other after Notre Dame.”
The St. Louis native enjoyed the tour he received.
“We got to walk around the campus,” he said. “We got to see what football players do. We got to see the athletic training area. We got to see weight room, the rec room, the locker room. We walked around the stadium a little bit.
“Campus was cool. I like how it all kind of looks older, like how it was originally built.”
He was also impressed with the Irish during their 38-17 victory over Stanford.
“The game was great,” he said. “I liked Notre Dame, but once I saw the game, I loved the team.
“I liked the way they played. I liked watching how long the o-line was able to keep the pocket to give the quarterback time to throw the ball.”
The DeSmet Jesuit standout also called the atmosphere inside the stadium “great.”
“I loved all of the fans,” he added.
Wisecarver had the chance to briefly meet Irish offensive line coach Jeff Quinn.
“He just said, ‘Hi, how are you? Nice to meet you,’ and things like that,” Wisecarver recalled.
The sophomore landed his first offer from Kentucky back in April.
“I got the 15 minutes of fame, but then it was just getting back to work,” he said.
Wisecarver isn’t exactly sure what coaches like about his game, but thinks “it’s the fact that I’m coachable and kind of know my technique.”
He said he will “definitely” stay in touch with the Irish moving forward.
“I’m going to want to see if I can come out to camp this summer and see if I can come out to another game,” he said.
Wisecarver plans to get to Kentucky and Missouri for games this fall, but doesn’t know exactly when yet.
He does know some of the major factors that will come into play when it comes time to make his final decision.
“A big part will be how the football team works with each other and the atmosphere around the school, but I also want good academics. A couple of coaches were saying today that football doesn’t stay around. It’s kind of like a terminal sport, it’s going to end at some point. So I do what good academics at whatever school I go to.”