A Message From Notre Dame's Signees To Their Families
The recruiting process can be long, stressful and rewarding for families. Parents, coaches, family members and mentors drive and fly thousands of miles to take recruits to camps and visits, which isn’t easy on anyone.
Notre Dame’s 2019 signees were grateful and wanted to send a message to those individuals who helped them get to this point.
QB Brendon Clark:
“ I’d just want to say thank you for always supporting my interests and decisions throughout the recruiting process. I’d also want to say thank you for making sacrifices so I can follow my dreams and get better as a person and player.”
RB Kyren Williams:
“I can’t thank them enough. They’ve been here through all the ups & down. I am forever grateful for them. Love you guys!”
WR Cam Hart:
“I’d like to thank my Mom and Uncle for being there and being fully attentive every step of the way throughout my recruiting process. They have entered every situation/ university with an open mind. They have allowed me to make my decision without pressuring me too much and have provided enough guidance for me to make the right decision. I’m truly grateful and destined to pay back the favor some way.”
WR Kendall Abdur-Rahman
"I would like to thank my mom for everything she’s done for me from all the rides to practices/games the long road trips and even sitting through long cold playoff games, she’s always been supportive on whatever I’ve done. I don’t know where I’d be without her."
OL Andrew Kristofic:
“I just want to say thank you to my parents and my sister for everything they have done for me to help me get to where I am today. Their endless love and support has helped guide me through this crazy journey. They have pushed me to constantly be great in everything that I do and it has helped me have the success I’ve had so far and put me in the situation to have a lot more in the future.”
OL John Olmstead:
“I want to thank my whole family especially my mom and dad for always supporting me through this tough recruiting process. They were always there to back up my decisions and my thoughts on colleges. I love them very much and I couldn’t ask for better parents.”
OL Quinn Carroll:
“Thank you mom and dad for being my biggest fans. You guys have taught me what it means to follow a dream and how to succeed in all areas of my life.”
DE Howard Cross III
"I’d like to thank my mom, dad, and sister for being by my side throughout my football career so far."
DE NaNa Osafo-Mensah:
“My parents are the most supportive people in my life and I owe them the entire world. They’ve made so many sacrifices and have poured out so much affection throughout my life. I love my parents.”
DT Jacob Lacey
"I just wanna thank my parents for everything they have done for me throughout this process. They were the ones driving the hours to see a school and help you figure out which schools were not it. Without them taking me everywhere there wouldn’t be this opportunity."
DT Hunter Spears:
“I just wanna give all the thanks in the world to my two wonderful parents for help through this recruiting process. They were always supportive and had my back through every tough and fun time. I had the ability to find myself and the best fit for me to start my next adventure because of them and I’m so blessed to have them in my life.”
LB J.D. Bertrand:
“Without my parents, I wouldn’t be where I am today. They’ve provided continual support throughout my life. I’m so thankful for them. They’ve been there for me through hard times and big decisions.”
LB Ositadinma Ekwonu:
“I’m thankful for the countless hours they’ve spent taking me to camps and on visits. Also for always supporting me and pushing me to be the best possible person I can be on and off the field.”
LB Jack Kiser:
“I’m very thankful and fortunate to have parents that put me first during the recruiting process. They were always ready to go if I had the sudden urge to visit anywhere. They were extremely supportive throughout the entire process. I’m most thankful for their patience with me during that stressful time. They let me make MY decision. They made my recruitment enjoyable and a time I’ll never forget... something others can’t say.”
CB Isaiah Rutherford
"I would like to thank my parents for everything they’ve done for me. When I told them I wanted to go to Notre Dame all they did was support me even though it's over 2,000 miles away. I can’t thank them enough for what they’ve done for my siblings and I."
CB KJ Wallace
"I’d like to thank my parents and little brother and sister for all the sacrifices they’ve made for me in order to get to this point in life. From all the camps, games, and recruiting trips they have always been by my side. Without them, I wouldn’t be in this position in life let alone going to Notre Dame. Forever grateful for them."
S Litchfield Ajavon:
"My pops has done a lot for me and he’s my motivation to be great every day. He was able to get his family out of a civil war in Liberia and lived in exile as a refugee for 17 years before finally moving to the US. He was able to go through all of that hardship and still be there to impact others positively in any way he can. He has been my one and only true friend and for that, I thank him greatly!"
S Kyle Hamilton:
“This process has been an amazing experience. I would like to thank my family, friends, and everyone who has got me to this point!”
P Jay Bramblett:
"I want to thank my parents for all the many hours and road trips for helping me reach my goals. And not only that but raising me into who I am today. I can’t thank y’all enough. Love you guys!"
K Harrison Leonard
"I’d like to thank my parents for always putting me in the best situations possible throughout this process. I couldn’t have done it without them."
WR Conor Ratigan
"I’m very thankful for all that my parents did for me throughout the whole process. They were extremely supportive and encouraging and always wanted the best for me and I can’t thank them enough for that."